6 Boundaries for a Balanced Life Mini Course

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Don't miss this amazing offer!
Quick Fix Life Automation Workbook
Streamline your daily tasks!
What's Included ?

  Practical steps to reduce stress, and make room for what you love — without ChatGPT.

  Includes a Notion workbook with five easy-to-follow steps, proven productivity methods, and personal tips to help you stay organized and focused on your passions and adventures.

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What you'll learn:

  Video walkthrough of how to set boundaries with your: kids, spouse, co-workers, boss, friends or yourself.

  Instant access to this TOTALLY FREE 5-page e-book guide

  The 5 types of people-pleasers & who/what triggers you

  A roadmap and the exact scripts to say NO politely so you can reclaim your time

  Exact scripts to ask for what you need from others without feeling like you're being rude or pushy